2012...Pregnant with Possibility

Happy New Leaf!! 

There's a breath of excitement in the air, all around me!  Many people I've spoken with lately have said that they sense that something positive is finally going to happen this year.  The same smell and atmosphere you sense right before a soft, white snowfall is resonating with people who feel as if 2012 just might hold something special for them.  Those bigger goals or more daring dreams that have been on the shelf for a while, just may find a way, this year, to hop down and take root somewhere in our lives.

I myself am going to give birth to a new "baby" in 2012!!
The baby is going to be an online counseling practice which I'll be launching in the next month or so!  I'll be offering online psychotherapy via webcam or chat, through a brand new website that is developing in the womb of my designer as we speak. ;) So I will definitely keep you posted on that!

In addition, I'm expanding my office practice in Mason, Ohio, to include a new Women's Relationship Group, which will be meeting twice a month.  It will be for the women I've talked about in my previous blogs -- women who are struggling in their roles as a girlfriend or a wife, having gotten to the age where their children are old enough to take care of themselves, or maybe a different life transition has occurred that has snapped them out of the facade of the "happy face family" or just a comatose existence.  It's for women who are looking at their partners and wondering if they want to make the effort to stay in the relationship or just jump ship.  It's also for women who have already jumped ship and are still trying to heal their wounds and learn healthier behaviors, thoughts and feelings to bring into new relationships. 

What's really cool is that my new website will include a private chat room (password protected) for the group members to communicate in between sessions.  It'll also be a way for me to share information (i.e. interesting articles or quotes), make comments, answer questions, or make announcements about upcoming group events.  It will start as a pilot program and, based on the results, may grow into something I can also do online to incorporate a much wider audience, which is très excitant.  :)

In the meantime, a tingling wintery mix of newness, good fortune and leaps of faith are infusing the air this month, letting you know to stay awake and be open to whatever surprises and challenges may land on your doorstep.  In the face of true self discovery, many of us have moved mountains and blown our own minds by stretching our limits and learning what we're capable of!!  I'm a big (BIG!) fan of the show The Biggest Loserwhich illustrates this beautifully.  Let this year be the year you get REAL about your relationship and about your individual life.  If there are unresolved issues in your life that you haven't dealt with, do not take them out on your spouse and blame him for making your life unhappy!  Your individuality comes first, so face the music, grab the reins, shed the unwanted baggage, and AMAZE yourself!!  Then you can look at your partner and see if they're standing in awe of you and are capable of supporting your accomplishments.  If not, then you'll be stronger and better able to cut the cord and be the better role model for your children.  Life's just too short, dear one.  :)

If you are in the Greater Cincinnati area and are interested in joining the Women's Relationship Group, respond by post or email me at tanya.younce@yahoo.com and I'll give you the phone number to call.  The group starts February 6th and will run through May 21st.

May you give birth to beautiful things this coming year! 


  1. This is such an upbeat, positive message!


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