Finding Your Way Through Change
In a world full of constant change, there are millions of people who put their energies into avoiding, fearing and resisting it. “I hate change,” is a phrase I hear quite a bit in my sessions. But I think that if people had more knowledge about what to kick into gear when change was inevitable, they’d probably not hate it as much. Many of you came to me because of some life-altering event that unglued you in some way. Transitions can often feel sad, confusing, painful, and bleak. And over the years, I’ve worked to help determine how my clients can get through them with the least amount of damage. What I’ve learned is that there’s a particular set of resources that resonates better for some than for others. It’s like writing a personalized survival guide for how to best weather an emotional storm. Everyone has unique experiences with loss and uncertainty. And that’s what transitions are – some kind of loss, followed by a lot of certainty. So there’s not a one-size-fits-all way ...